Employees, customers and suppliers alike all notice the same thing: it’s different at Hood Packaging. We are more relational than transactional. We are exceptionally reliable and extremely dependable. Work here and you will have a job for life in a thriving environment. Do business with us and enjoy national pricing with local service. Plus, you always get to talk with a real person. Always.
Your success is our business
Not a job, a career
Imagine going to work with a smile on your face, getting treated like family, and being handsomely rewarded for proudly helping others. If that sounds like your kind of job, then we are your kind of company. Because at Hood Packaging, we also mold long, rewarding careers.

We have you covered
We’re also particularly good at listening to our customers and suppliers. When they asked for more than just products, we developed technical advisers to help their lines run better and faster. With our 22 plant locations and flexible production capabilities, we have North America covered. Think of us as a multiple supplier, yet all under one roof. Whenever you need a better package, we have you covered.